
On Track helps believers in Christ hold to their faith in a culture that’s becoming increasingly hostile to Biblical truth.

We help you use apologetics, logic and reason to build confidence in the truth of Scripture, answer tough questions from skeptics, and counter popular fallacies of our day.

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what we’re about

Our primary aim is to help Christians stand strong in their faith, and not be thrown off track by the deceptions of our day.

Following Jesus and living in obedience to Him is worth it. You can trust in the truth of the Bible. It’s as true today as it ever was.

It’s okay to ask hard questions and to seek to understand. We’ll help you be prepared for them, or maybe answer some you have.

We’re here to help you hold to your faith, stay the course, and finish the race..


a little backstory

It was the fall of 2008, and I was scrolling through my Facebook feed. I had resisted as long as I could, but peer pressure encouragement helped lead me to get an account.

It was the heat of election season, and the debates had been raging for some time. Several friends had been taken in by the rhetoric and popularity of Barack Obama. We had some good, yet respectful conversations around who should be President and which party should be in power.

During this time, I saw a post from a college friend, one that I thought to be a strong Christian with a good heart. His post conveyed, in a very public forum, his inner struggles with whom to support.

He talked about how he’d considered himself conservative for some time, but felt it was getting tougher to vote in the same manner. The sanctity of life was important to him, but he mentioned being just as concerned for “social justice.”

Though his post centered on a political subject, it seemed deeper than that. It seemed like his views were changing—on politics and other matters—that there were new influences pushing on him.

Fast forward a few years, and his posts began to show that he had indeed become more liberal in not only his politics, but his social and theological views.

Not long ago, he posted about struggling with deconstruction, which made my heart heavy to read.

I saw over a period of time a progression of someone who once seemed to be standing firmly on the truth be taken in by “fine sounding arguments.” These influences made him question and then ultimately reject what he once believed.

Messages with subtle deception had been chipping away at his foundation, attempting to persuade him that what he believed was not really trustworthy or true. It may have started in the political arena, but it certainly did not stay there. It moved to the deepest and most important area of his life: his faith in Christ.

His is not a unique story. Other friends have walked the same path, and it hurts me still to hear some of the things they now say.

Their stories have motivated me to speak up, to try to keep others from falling for the same deceptions.

You see, deception will almost always contain some truth. It can sound very convincing. Well-meaning people can easily fall for it if they are not careful.

That’s why it’s so important to be alert and to stay grounded in the truth.

And that’s why we’re here. You could boil our message down to three simple things:

  • Don’t be deceived.
  • Check things out for yourself.
  • Hold to the Truth of Scripture.

The older I get, the more of the human story I can see in the book of Genesis. Our nature, our behavior, our struggles, and even our view of God can be traced to the Garden of Eden. What happened there tells us a lot about what’s going on now. There really is nothing new under the sun.

From the very first deception, which started with questioning what God had said, then pitching the “benefits” of disobeying Him, while hiding the consequences, the enemy of our souls seeks to turn us away from the truth. And he often does this in much more subtle ways than we would imagine.

But the truth is real and is knowable. The Truth is a person, the Lord Jesus Christ. And His words will stand the test of time, regardless of the passing fads of the culture, and the deceptions of our day.

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simple truths

Here’s what we believe. We’ll give it to you up front—at no extra charge.


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