
objective truth vs subjective truth

Objective Truth vs. Subjective Truth. What's the Difference?

What do these terms mean? Is it important to know the difference?

While the words may sound similar, their differences are significant. Understanding and accepting them will affect the way you live, and how you view truth in general.

Why are the Gospels different?

Why Are the Gospels Different?

Why would the Gospels not all be the same? Why do we see differences, including things that, at first glance, might seem like contradictions?

But having four unique perspectives, that agree with each other, strengthens the evidence for their truth.

Can we trust the Bible hasn't been altered over time?

Can we trust the Bible hasn’t been altered over time?

When you hear people say we can’t trust that the Bible is true because it’s been changed and edited over time, how do you react? Is it true? Or can we be confident that what we have today is God’s unchanging Word?

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Are we born good or bad?

Are we born good or bad?

This question might not seem like a big one, but how you answer will greatly affect your worldview. When approaching the question, it’s important to define the terms we’re discussing; like what we mean by “good” and “bad.”

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What does it mean to covet?

What does it mean to covet?

When you think of the ten commandments, what comes to mind? Not having another god but the Lord? Don’t lie, steal or kill?

How often do you think of the tenth commandment: Thou shalt not covet? Are you confused at all as to what it means?

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Why does God allow suffering?

Why does God allow suffering?

“If God is all loving, and He is all powerful, then why does He allow evil to exist? And for people to suffer?” It’s a common objection to Christianity.

But we also must acknowledge that God is all-knowing. While things may not make sense to our finite minds, they are no mystery to Him. And He can be trusted.

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Why Are the Gospels Different?

Why Are the Gospels Different?

Why would the Gospels not all be the same? Why do we see differences, including things that, at first glance, might seem like contradictions?

But having four unique perspectives, that agree with each other, strengthens the evidence for their truth.

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Is The Lottery Good for Society?

Is The Lottery Good for Society?

It’s no secret that gambling has grown in popularity in the last two decades. Lotteries are in more states than ever, and sports betting dominates advertising online and on TV. But is gambling, and specifically the lottery, good for society?

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Why We Should Prepare for Persecution

Why We Should Prepare for Persecution

It’s no secret that our world is becoming more morally confused. If we pay attention to trends even in America, it’s easy to see that those who refuse to give in to compromise can be mistreated. That’s why it’s important to be ready to be tested. And we have more resources than any generation to help us in our preparation.

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I Love Jesus, But…

I Love Jesus, But…

The way we live our everyday lives says much about what we truly believe. Do we truly believe the Scriptures that tell us not to act like the world does, but to be different?

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What is Deconstruction?

What is Deconstruction?

Is it a phase, a worldview, some kind of new denomination of Christianity, or a new religion entirely? There is confusion around the word. But like many things in our day, this is ultimately a new term for something old.

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The Return of Idols

The Return of Idols

We tend to think of idols as objects that are too valuable to us. Our cars, houses, jewelry, money, etc. But creating an idol goes beyond that. Do we worship God for who He has revealed Himself to be, or how we want Him to be?

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Objective Truth

Objective Truth

What is truth? Can we know it? Is truth true for everyone? How we answer these questions will greatly affect how we live our lives.

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The Finely Tuned Argument

The Finely Tuned Argument

Perhaps the strongest scientific case one can make for the existence of an intelligent Creator is the so-called “finely tuned argument.” That is, the universe is so finely tuned for life to exist, it’s nearly impossible to call it a coincidence.

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We all know what it means. Or do we? Has it just become a label to discredit information we don’t like? But just because some misuse the term doesn’t mean disinformation isn’t real. Here’s a recent example.

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Ad Hominem

Ad Hominem

An ad hominem attack is an attempt at getting around a person’s argument by attacking them directly. It’s unfortunately all too common. But you’re better than that, right?

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